The Tourism Academy

Exploring E-Learning Standards: Why The Tourism Academy Chooses a Modern Approach

Written by Adrian | Oct 31, 2023 2:49:00 PM

In e-learning and online education, the choice of technology standards can significantly impact the learning experience. One question often arises is whether The Tourism Academy | supports SCORM, Tin Can API, or AICC reporting. This article will explore this topic and explain why The Tourism Academy has opted for a different approach.

Understanding SCORM, Tin Can, and AICC

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) has been a prevalent technology standard in e-learning for quite some time, with its most commonly used version dating back to 2004. While it has served its purpose, several areas for improvement led The Tourism Academy to explore alternative solutions.

  • Limited Branding and Customization: SCORM's user interface offers little room for branding and customization, making it challenging for companies to reflect their unique preferences and identity.
  • Mobile Learning Challenges: With the increasing popularity of mobile learning, SCORM may not always provide a seamless experience on mobile devices.
  • Compatibility Issues: SCORM content, especially videos, occasionally encounters issues and may not always work smoothly on Apple iOS devices.
  • Innovation Opportunities: Technology continually evolves, and e-learning needs are changing. There is room for ongoing development and innovation to keep pace with these evolving requirements.

Additionally, systems that rely on servers, such as SCORM, Tin Can, and AICC, come with specific requirements that can result in higher costs for managing them. Consequently, systems supporting these standards often charge startup fees and bills per user. While these servers offer the benefit of tracking user progress, the emergence of Cloud Computing has introduced a more modern alternative.

The Tourism Academy's Modern Approach

At The Tourism Academy, we have embraced a more modern, flexible, and mobile-friendly technology approach that aligns with the needs of our customers and can scale with them as they grow. We have developed our own Cloud-based software, which can be accessed on any platform. This software tracks student progress and activities and eliminates the need for costly servers.

The Tourism Academy does not support SCORM, Tin Can API, or AICC reporting. Instead, we have chosen to adopt an agile, user-friendly, and cost-effective technology. This approach ensures our customers a seamless and innovative learning experience while aligning with the evolving e-learning landscape.

As Maya Angelou wisely said, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." The Tourism Academy's commitment to providing the best e-learning experience reflects this sentiment, always striving to improve and adapt to meet the changing needs of our users.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our e-learning solutions. We're here to help you achieve your educational goals.